Hello WAG Families! For those of you that were unable to attend the WAG General meeting, here is the communication from the General Parent meeting that took place on October 22, 2021 If you have any questions regarding the meeting please speak with me directly.

Thank you


Communications from the 2021 October Parent Meeting

Congratulations to all the gymnasts who were offered spots in the Oakville Gymnastics Club WAG Program for the 2021/2022 season. We do appreciate your dedication, commitment and loyalty towards the OGC WAG program especially in light of the COVID outbreak and the challenges we have all faced this year. 

The One Year Contract Policy:  The WAG program offers your child a space in the program for one year.  At the end of each season we ask all of our athletes to “ReTryout” which will take place towards the end of May / beginning of June. (Due to COVID we did not hold ReTryouts in 2020.  All who were interested in returning were given spots on the team).  By implementing the ‘Re-Tryout’ and ‘Tryout’ protocols we are not trying to be cruel or unsupportive of those athletes that we have been working with and developing over the past year (or years). Our program is a competitive program with a limited number of spaces. We are simply trying to ensure that those athletes who are the most deserving of a spot on the team are receiving those spots. If at some point we do ask your child to leave the program this may be thought of as a ‘good thing’ allowing the athlete the opportunity to explore other sports where he/she may be more suited physically, mentally or socially. Also, at that time we may invite them to try an alternative gymnastics discipline or program in the gym as we do believe that GYMNASTICS IS FOR ALL and we wish to keep everyone in the gym in some capacity. 

Summer Attendance: During the summer session we allow 50% attendance as a minimum. We would prefer that your child attends 100% of their scheduled classes but we understand summer schedules are far more diverse and we would hope that kids take the time to enjoy summer camps, weeks at the cottage and time with family. Please send an email to your athlete’s coach with the dates that your child will not be at training. Low attendance in some groups on specific weeks may allow us to accommodate other athletes who have summer training conflicts and permit them to make the minimum number of training hours.  If you will be away for the entire summer, you may not be offered a spot in the WAG program. 

Fall/Winter/Spring Attendance: During the school year we expect 80% attendance as a minimum. Obviously the less your athlete trains the less they will progress and the less they will be prepared for competition. It is in your best interest to have your athlete at the gym as much as possible.

Violation of Attendance Minimums and Removal from the Program: We cannot hold spots for athletes who do not attend the program. If you have schedule conflicts that will prevent your athlete from reaching the minimum attendance requirement but wish to remain as part of the WAG program, please email Chantel outlining your situation.

Schedules:  We understand the logistical difficulties that families encounter by receiving some training  schedules when you do.  As well, we understand that summer camps and vacations need to be booked several months in advance. Please note that we create our schedule with careful consideration. We realize that there will be conflicts. We may be able to provide concessions for these conflicts.  Please contact your coach to address your specific situation.  Also note, that due to the ever evolving space usage of the gym we may find it necessary to change a scheduled class temporarily or permanently depending on the situation.  We cannot foresee these situations but we will try to provide you with as much notice as possible prior to changes.

**COVID Uncertainty: These are uncertain times, and situations can change on a daily basis. 

If your child needs to go into quarantine please let you coach and Chantel know asap.  We will make every effort to offer her online training.

Please keep us informed of any situation in which your child has been requested by Public Health or their school to self isolate and/or get a COVID-19 test. 

WAG Program Weeks Off during the Summer: Note that we usually take two weeks off in the summer.  The weeks can change each year as the competition schedule also changes.  We will try to let you know well in advance so that you can plan vacations/camps/etc. We have been working on the year calendar and should have a definite date for the summer holidays very soon.  

Holiday Training: Due to the pandemic, last season we had the Christmas Break off and the gym was closed.  This year however, there will be training and that schedule is being worked on.  The gym will be closed on December 24, 25, 31, and January 1.

There will also be training during the March Break.

If you are aware that you will be away over Christmas or March break please inform your daughters coach.

Expectation of Competing:  The expectation is that everyone who is in the WAG Program will compete at a minimum number of competitions as is required for the athlete’s level.

Event and Competition Schedule:  Once dates are set they will be posted and communicated.  Currently there has been very little direction from Gymnastics Ontario and we are uncertain as to what the competition format will look like (virtual or in person).  Hopefully we will have some answers soon.

Competitive Structure Provincial and National:  Please note that moving up Competitive  levels is not like moving up grades.  Do not expect to move up a level every year.  As the level increases there are more skills to learn and some can be challenging depending on the athlete’s ability to learn new skills, fear level, etc.  There may be seasons where a gymnast repeats a level.  Moving from level to level  is a big leap and there are additional club fees and Gymnastics Ontario fees.  Athletes must be 9yrs of age to compete in Provincial qualifying competitions. To compete in the ODP levels a gymnast must be 6yrs.

Competition Schedules:  A WAG competition usually lasts 2 – 3 days.  The schedule for the weekend of competition usually comes out the week prior to a competition.  We will post the competition schedule on the blog as soon as we have received it and will provide the address of the event so that you can use your GPS to locate the competition venue.

National Competitions: Follow a slightly different format and schedule and for those competing at this level or attempting to, this will be discussed in person with you

Travel competitions:  It is possible that we may attend a competition outside of Ontario and specific training camps. For any training camps / competitions that are not Gymnastics Ontario qualification competitions, Ontario Championships or Canadian Championships the costs for the coaches to attend will be “cost-shared” over the athletes that attend the competition.  Registration fees for Ontario qualifiers are included in your OGC fees.  Registration fees for all other competitions will need to be paid at the time of the competition. 

OGC Code of Conduct:  We have created a specific code of conduct for our athletes.  This Code of Conduct document is mostly for athletes to adhere to when they are traveling with coaches separate from parents.  As we travel to competitions you will see this document and if you have any concerns with it at that time, we can address them then.

Gymnastics Ontario Policies: see the link ttps://www.gymnasticsontario.ca/policy/ A link to these policies will be posted on the blog. 

Training Wear: All WAG athletes in the ODP, Excel and Provincial level groups are required to wear a leotard, and tight fitting gym shorts  A new red training / competitive leotard  will be required to be purchased and worn to training (most likely once a week) by all gymnasts in the WAG program. All girls have been measured with the exception of a few, and the leotards will be ordered soon. The price of this leotard will be communicated as soon as it is finalized. Girls should not show up to train in t-shirts, tank-tops, loose shorts, or baggy sweatshirts – it is not safe.

***Competitive Wear: Due to the uncertainty of competitions this season, we have decided that it would be more cost effective to have the girls wear their training suit for competitions if they are a go this season. 

OGC Optional Apparel:  OGC hooded sweatshirts, sweatpants and other OGC apparel are available for purchase either by order which can be found on our website

Personal Belongings:  Still bring everything in a bin or bag.  Please label all personal items.

Entry / Dismissal for training is through the main door only.  Dismissal from training is through the side service door.  All athletes must be screened properly upon entering.

Viewing Area Closure: Due to COVID the viewing area is closed to spectators.  We are currently working on a system that will allow viewing in limited numbers and will communicate more on this when more information is available

Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, cancelations of classes will be posted on the whatsap chats, and blog by 12:00noon on that day  If the weather gets bad during the afternoon / evening we will email or call you to inform you that we are finishing early.

Emergency Sign Out Procedure:  In the case of an emergency at the club Parents will be called to come to the gym to collect their athlete.  You will have to sign out your athlete so that we are aware that you have picked up your child and that they are safely in your care.  

Individual Parent Meetings: We offer individual parent meetings as we or you feel they are necessary. If you have individual questions that pertain to your specific situation, we ask that you not address these in a public forum but leave it to an e-mail or individual meeting. 

Chain of Command:  Speak to your child’s coach(es) directly for anything you may have questions about.  Then you may speak to Chantel. If she is not able to help you then you can speak to Don Holmes the Executive Director of Oakville Gymnastics Club.  OGC has a Governance or Directional Volunteer Board of Directors.  You are welcome to reach out to them if you have questions.  Our Annual General Meeting is coming up this Sunday October 24  We are always looking for supportive parents who are willing to help the club.  Usually the board meets once per month.

If you have a question about an event/competition DO NOT contact Gymnastics Ontario or Gymnastics Canada directly.  DO NOT contact the host club of an event directly.  If you have a question, address it through the coach(es) and we will ask GO, GymCan or the Event Host for you as your question is likely one that others have.

Fundraisers: We do a few fundraisers that we try to keep easy and simple.  We will be sending out information on our  fundraiser that we are hoping to do  over the next few weeks.  Details about other fundraisers will be posted as the events take place.  We are always looking for Fundraising Volunteers (note this volunteering for fundraising does not count as Commitment Hours for the club).

OGC Commitment Hours: Please read the information provided in the Parent Handbook for information on the Commitment Hours that you are required to complete.   You may send questions to commitmenthours@oakvillegym.com 

Any Financial questions please direct to Agnes Jankura in the main office.


Oakville Gym
Author: Oakville Gym

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Oakville Gym
Author: Oakville Gym