Acro/aero gymnastics competitions often draw a crowd, as they are very entertaining to watch! Young performers amaze the audience with their talent and passion. Top-level acro gymnasts put in over 20 hours/week training and compete in international competitions.  They experience so much in such a short time span – performing, competing, and travelling with their teammates.  What does the future hold for an acro/aero gymnast once their competitive career is over?

Who better to ask than Jonathan Meehan – a former senior tumbler and former coach at Oakville Gymnastics Club.  Jonathan has been with Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas for almost four years.  Jonathan loved performing more than competing, so for him, the move from a competitive career to Cirque du Soleil was a natural transition.

“Personally as a young artist, Cirque offers me the opportunity to turn my passion into my career, travel the world, and above all, call the amazingly talented artists around me my family, and that is truly a blessing.”

In addition to Jonathan’s positive personal experience, Cirque’s website provides six convincing reasons why one should join their cast!

When asked if competitive acrobatic gymnastics prepares young gymnasts for Cirque, Jonathan replied, “Having an acrobatic background will definitely help you once you are in Cirque. The spatial awareness that acrobatic gymnastics provides can be very beneficial… Acrobatic gymnastics is a big part of [Cirque du Soleil’s] repertoire and you can find some sort of it in almost all of their shows.”

Jonathan plans to stay in the circus world. To go on tour would be his dream!  Surprisingly, celebrity is still a foreign feeling to him.  I’m certain, though, we would all be a little star struck watching Jonathan perform in The Beatles LOVE!

Article By Kathleen Lapalme

Oakville Gym
Author: Oakville Gym

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Oakville Gym
Author: Oakville Gym